Sunday, July 08, 2007

So long, farewell....

I'm leaving for camp in the morning!!!

It hasn't really sunk in, so I'm not nervous. There aren't any girls from my church that are coming so it'll be pretty much like last year except that I'll know people that I met last year! It should be fun.

But seriously, I haven't psyched myself up about it at all. I was so busy this week that I did my laundry yesterday and I packed my stuff today. I still have stuff like my toothbrush to pack. Hopefully I won't forget that! lol.

Also, please pray for me to get better. I've been a little sick, or a lot sick to the people that have actually been around me (aka Kristy lol....). I'm getting better, I think. 0.o But I want to get fully back to normal.

But I'm sure it will be a good week. It was last year. Although this time I won't have any excuse to not participate in games. I haven't broken any bones so it looks like I might have to run around.... >.<

AND I met a guy today that looks like James Stewart (MY ALL TIME FAVORITE ACTOR AND ONE OF THE CUTEST!!!) and acts like him (acts like a gentleman). AND WHY IN ALL BLASTED BLASTY BLASTS(!) DOES HE LIVE SO FAR AWAY!? Lame. lol. Amelia and I were discussing him tonight, she actually saw him too! So we can both remember what he looks like.... Since I'll probably never see him again.


Sir Brian The Manly said...

Stay on task and don't die!! Oh man, I can feel the life draining out of me already. I'd better go talk to Bethany.




Sir Brian The Manly said...


Have fun intimidating! ;)

Unknown said...

break a leg!

Anonymous said...

i hope u have a wonderful time!!! :D

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Are you back yet, are you back yet, are you back yet!?!?? It's been like 4 years now!

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Are you back yet, are you back yet, are you back yet!?!?? It's been like 7 years now!

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Are you back yet, are you back yet, are you back yet!?!?? It's been like 15 years now!

Unknown said...

new post've been home for 6 hours...okay you're sleeping...get on it girl!