Sunday, July 22, 2007


Chato body slammed my head and then Chato and Harry had a fight on my hair. Harry was trying to burrow into my hair. It was pretty great.


Sir Brian The Manly said...

My, you have a lot of hair. Does that mean you're REALLY emo? I don't think I'll let mine grow out quite that much. ;)

Ashlily said...

.......BWAAHAHAHAHAHAH! it may just be the lack of sleep and food and sanity but that was the best story i have heard all day!i was gonna make a joke about how they were fighting over you (quite literally) because you enchanted them with your beauty and long fibers(hairs) you should have put them in a rope(braid) so they could not...i have no idea where i'm going with this.i was woken up at 8 am by the sound of a chainsaw at my i mst clean for teh party.Fin.

Sir Brian The Manly said...


Ashlily said...

yis.chainsaw.they can remove limbs.or act as a replacement. O_O

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Hail to the king, baby.