Monday, February 25, 2008

Ah. Public humiliation, how I love thee.

So I talked to my biology teacher today about my interview questions for a letter we have to write. So then class started and lalalala.. And then she started talking about the letter and she was like, "And SOMEONE is already READY to interview her expert!!!" (as she stood right in front of me) And then she raised her hand as high as it would go and she pointed to me.

Yeah. I kind of hunched down in the seat and died. Later I was talking to Mary and I was like, "Yeah... Everyone in the class probably hates me now."

"I hate you."

There's real friendship for you. True to the end.


Father Cory said...

I don't hate you.

...then again, I wasn't in the class 7_7

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I HATE YOU!!! much as I hate my beautiful keytar. ^_^

Elyse said...

Which you're selling...

Sir Brian The Manly said...

It's not because I'm not madly in love with it.


I just saw a fork in the road and I took the awkward path.