Saturday, December 08, 2007


Well, today I hung out with some old friends and I made a couple new ones. We sang a lot of Christmas carols. I think the Three Kings rendition was definitely the best. ;) Singing in dissonance is always more fun anyway. AND I found out that I have several LURKERS among my friends WHO SHOULD JUST COMMENT AND GET OUT OF ANONYMITY. =P

AND Satan *cough* I mean Santa came through our neighborhood tonight. It's so great though. The local firefighters do this whole parade type thing and bring it through all the neighborhoods around here and give out candy canes. I waved at him from my room. :)


Anonymous said...

Well, one of the old friend/lurkers is finally deciding to post a comment! And yes I have commented, Elyse, somewhere... By the way, I'm Sarah ;)

Sir Brian The Manly said...

I saw Santa in town like yesterday! My but he does get around. =P

How old were your old friends? 83? 106?