Monday, June 05, 2006

Alcoholic beverages

This is a paper written by my good friend Mary C.

"Throughout history, men have manufactured and drank alcoholic beverages. References to wine appear throughout the Bible, sometimes in a positive light—Jesus and his disciples drank wine frequently—and sometimes in a negative light. But the context for alcoholic beverages has changed greatly in the past two thousand years. In the time of Christ, wine was highly diluted and thus, when drunk in moderation, had very little effect on the drinker. Now, however, the alcohol content is much higher in alcoholic beverages of all types, making it difficult to discern how much of a drink is moderate. Because of the consequences that accompany alcohol consumption, the many side effects of alcohol, and the ever-present temptation to overindulge, 21st century Christians should not drink alcohol.

In the many alcoholic beverages available, there is a wide range in the amount of alcohol the drink contains. For instance, wine can contain from 7% alcohol to 24% alcohol, a vast difference in alcohol content. Beer can contain from 2.5% to 9% alcohol, and distilled spirits such as vodka, whiskey, and rum can have alcohol contents that range from 30% to 90%. Drunk in higher quantities, alcoholic beverages—particularly distilled spirits—affect the brain and motor functions with surprising force. Unfortunately, these statistics are little known by those who drink alcohol, causing them to exceed moderate levels.

Alcoholic drinks of any kind have serious health repercussions, similar to those of illegal drugs. Though some health benefits have been discovered in moderate alcohol consumption, the risks of drinking far outweigh the advantages. When drunk often or in large quantities, alcohol deteriorates inner tissues and can over time completely destroy the liver. It also severely damages brain cells and has been shown to considerably reduce the size of the brain. Most of these symptoms appear even in those who drink temperately, and can have serious long term effects, comparable to those marijuana inflicts. If Christians are opposed to illegal drugs, why do they allow alcohol, a drug in itself, into their homes?

One of the greatest difficulties with alcohol is the temptation involved. Even if a person is able to discern a moderate drink size and attempts to maintain that standard, the temptation to drink excessively still arrives in many situations. Even when drunk in low quantities, alcohol temporarily lowers concentration, delays reflexes, impairs coordination, and eliminates judgment skills. The power of a sound mind is instantly removed when alcohol enters the blood stream, and opens a doorway to sin. If we openly and consistently present a stumbling block to ourselves, we will sooner or later give in to that temptation. The best way of avoiding this is to eliminate all alcohol from our homes so that we are not presented with the temptation to over-drink.

Though many people believe that alcohol has positive effects on the drinker, the negative effects are far greater than the slight benefits. Alcohol eliminates the ability to fully function and impairs the body’s essential organs. It provides a constant stumbling block for those who choose to drink it, and, in beverages, is contained in mostly uncertain levels, making it difficult for the drinker to discern a moderate drink size. Because of this, 21st century Christians should not drink alcohol, or alcoholic beverages."


Unknown said...

Did she use her dad as a resource? I did my thesis on the history of distillation through the 17th century. My prof was a drunk, he loved it! He was notorius for keeping a little flask in his office. Crazy!

Elyse said...

I'm assuming so.

Those WSU professers... John and Logen were telling us about their professers. So crazy, but funny. I hope I don't get any of those.