UW has the best nursing program, globally. .... WHAT? So I brought myself over to their table last night and I said something about how I heard that WSU has the best program in the state and this rep says, "Is that what they think about themselves? .... Well we are the best nursing program all OVER the world." I'm just like, "Hmm...." Wow, to assume that your school is better than all the others, has she even been to any of the other schools ALL OVER the world? Those types of Huskies make me laugh. I had to remind myself that I am overall representing Christ and not get involved with the petty bickering that is involved with state rivalries. Although I do entangle myself with them when my friends are on the other side.
Another thing, there's a college in by my state capital and it's not a-credited and you can make up your own degree. HAHAHAHAHHA.... I've known about this college for a while, I went there once because a friend of mine had symphony camp there so I watched her perform. That college is pretty scary. It's a hippie and druggie college and last night I saw a homeschooler looking at their booth. I had never actually talked to this homeschooler but I saw his brother at driver's ed and their family knows a family I know. Anyway I went over and asked him if he knew that family just to get the conversation started and then I asked him if was seriously considering going to the hippie college and he said yes. I did my best to explain that they are umm.... Not really a good college.
I got back to my group (some of the teen leadership kids and their Moms) and my Dad told me that when I walked away they were like, "Where is she going?" he said, "Oh she's probably just going over there to flirt with that guy." ??? Everyone was laughing and I was like, "Yeah Dad, that's me! Going and asking random guys who they are and for their phone numbers. *shakes head*" That's going to stick with me for a while. Thanks Dad. Hahhaha.....
After that we went to DQ and had ice cream, I got to hang out with Kyle, Katy and Ben. It was pretty entertaining. Kyle and I started talking about how we would not skin an animal, I said something about a guy named John who could like kill and skin anything. It ended up that we said that this guy would live in a hut with only a bow and arrow, let all his hair grow, eat bugs a honey (like John the Baptist), so Kyle called him John the [last name]. We had a good laugh over that.