This weekend was crazy, but good, the Cougs won. =) We stayed the night in a little town that smelled of manure, I drove to WSU from H-----, Dad drove from the manure town to H-----. In that town, well actually there was no town. Just houses, not even a post office or convenience store. The H----- dog (the only really mentionable thing about H-----) tried to attack the car as I drove by, I had to swerve to miss him. He was quite fearsome. =P
Anyway, we drove home on Saturday night and it was like a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally looooooong drive. Actually it took the same amount of time as it usually does, but I didn't get a good nap. I could see the stars. Where we live there are a lot of lights but not so on the Eastern side of our state. They were lovely. The drive was a wonderful time of talking to the Lord, listening to music on Preemie (my creative mini) and having a heart of praise for the Lord.
We finally got home, I was a mess. My hair was like Fwooosh and KHHH! It was not being co-operative. Forget the hair though, there was a weird car in the drive way. We're like, "Okay, this is really weird." But OH MY GOSH!!! Ruth flew home from England on break. She totally suprised us. She's here until Friday. So yeah. I'll probably post some pictures later, Kristy brought the kids so they could see Ruth. Dad took pictures so I'll post those if you want me to.
Friday I'm going to rake a yard with the Leadership team as part of a service project. Saturday is the Awana conference, that will be fun. Sunday is the usually plus a costume party put on by Sarah and Gabe (from my school). I think I shall go as the ace of hearts, I'll have to get Ruth to get the costume from Kristy when she visits them. Monday night is a college fair that the leadership class is going on.
Busy, busy. I'm really tired, I haven't gotten an oppertunity to really sleep since we got back from WSU. I probably won't for a couple weeks. Sometimes I wish I drank coffee, but then I realize that coffee is a drug and I feel better that I'm not addicted to it.
Oh and Jaho gets 1000 cool points for figuring out who came home.
Hope you have a fun time :)
I like Peanut Butter.
yep so do I.
Yay for me. Mwahahaha!
How about Crunchy peanut butter on bread with Strawberry JellY! ever had Honey and peanut butter? I got so sick making one one time that I havne't been able to eat them since.
Honey and peanut butter go really good together.
You guys are all crazy, peanut butter and pickles. Seriously. Smooth peanut butter, none of this crunchy business.
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O. what? that is horribible. How can you survive without crunchy? It is the coolest!! I just am speechless.
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