Mom and I went out today, aaaaand we went to Target. I tried on these things: a skirt, a dress, a shirt, gauchos and some other stuff not worth mentioning. I like the skirt and shirt, maybe I'll get them later. But I got the gauchos and the dress. SOOOO yeah. I like the gauchos, they're long and brown.
Now, these shoes I think these are not cool. But they have some black ones at Target aaaand I'm not too sure about them. I think they're cute, but I'm not really sure. The metallic and multi-colored flats are dumb but the black ones are pretty cool. I might get those too. But I don't want to spend my money wastefully.
Aaaaaand, I've been having some fun with origami sticky note stuffs. I've made a heart, a butterfly and a wreath thing that didn't turn out too well.
Hola Chica
I like the clothes, especially the skirt and shirt. I don't think I'll ever be able to wear gauchos, I was scarred as a '70's child.
Origami is fun!
Girly stuff is fun...sometimes...
Kristina Lynn: I didn't know that gauchos were from the 70's, but if you don't wear them then there's no chance of us matching... In that matter, we still have like 5 of the same shirts and the same purse. At least we did not plan that.
Kaits: Yeah... But sometimes I get confusticated. Sometimes I get sick of girly stuff.
Jaho: See, that just proves what a good friend you are. But, you know origami is not a girly thing.
Target has the best gift cards.
ALB: Yeah, they are pretty awesome. In fact, I saw one that had bubble soapy stuff inside it and then it had a wand. Cool.
I got a freaky glow in the dark lizard thing and I named him Clarence. He doesn't have any money left, but he's my friend and I take him with me wherever I go. ^_^
I make a post about clothes and the comments I get are about gift cards....
Briannnnnn: I couldn't figure out what you meant for a minute and then I was like, "Ooooooh." So, you have a lizard in your wallet? OOOOR do you have him on a lanyard around your neck?
Ashley: Long time no see, friend. Good to see you're alive. :) I don't remember the last gift card I've bought for someone.
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